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Carol Bernier

Born in Montreal in 1963, Carol Bernier's passion for the arts manifested itself at an early age and continues to this day. Creating beautifully layered abstracted landscapes – better described as atmospheres ­- Bernier is an artist who completely relies on her instincts. She never starts a painting with a preconceived idea because she has the experience that she disappears as soon as she puts the first touch of colour on her canvas. It is by deepening this dialogue with her canvas that an image begins to form in her mind. Her artistic practice is highly meditative and the source of utmost self-reflection.

Bernier uses her art to address the artist’s eternal challenge; how to use the work’s inherent power to present the viewer with an internal reality, revealing something strangely familiar and yet ultimately intangible. Bernier is captivated by light and transparency, creating stunning compositions with layers of overlapping fields of rich jewel tones. The artist’s brushstrokes do not reveal themselves through a logical or linear sequence but are rather natural and spontaneous. 

Her latest exhibition, ÎLES EN VUE, invites the viewer to lose themselves in the emotions that the works evoke, at the same time stimulating our imaginations. This series was an escape; a way for Bernier to travel to other places and dimensions by creating landscapes that depict her heart and the depth of her emotions. From inside her studio, she painted intensely to convey every part of herself and her mind, which the pandemic had forced her to withdraw into and explore.

Grande île no.1
Mixed media on canvas
72" X 72"
Alberta pm
Oil on canvas
72" X 72"
Atlantide no. 7
Mixed media on canvas
64" X 42"
Ce qui s'approche
Mixed media on canvas
60" X 48"
Le battement d'aile du papillon
Oil on canvas
72" X 72"
Le ciel des sorcières
Mixed media on canvas
72" X 72"
Vue d'ailleurs no.1
Oil on canvas
30" X 48"
Vue d'ailleurs no.2
Oil on canvas
30" X 48"
Jardin d’eau
Mixed media on canvas
60" X 46"
Jardin no. 2
Mixed media on canvas
48" X 36"
Pleurer du jaune
Oil on canvas
30" X 48"
L’or du ciel
Mixed media on canvas
33" X 33"
Là où je suis no. 1
Mixed media on woodpanel
18" X 18"
Là où je suis no. 2
Mixed media on woodpanel
18" X 18"
Là où je suis no. 3
Mixed media on canvas
20" X 20"
Orage no. 1
Mixed media on woodpanel
20" X 20"
Orage no. 2
Mixed media on woodpanel
20" X 20"
Vider les nuages no.1
Oil on canvas
24" X 42"
Petite île no. 1
Mixed media on canvas
20" X 24"
Cratère no. 1
Mixed media on canvas
72" X 72"
Petite île no. 3
Mixed media on canvas
20" X 24"
La vie secrète de J 2
Oil on canvas
60" x 60"
Sous les cendres
Oil on canvas
30" X 30"
Au bord de l'éveil
Oil on canvas
68" X 42"
Vider les nuages no.2
Oil on canvas
24" X 42"
Elfes et autres mystères 2
Oil on canvas
60" X 20"
Elfes et autres mystères 3
Oil on canvas
60" X 20"


Atlantide no. 8
Mixed media on canvas
59.5" X 39.5"
Premières fleurs
Mixed media on canvas
55.5" X 42"
Aborder l’inconnue no. 2
Mixed media on canvas
60" X 84"
Aborder l’inconnue no. 1
Mixed media on canvas
60" X 84"
Mixed media on canvas
72" X 96"
Rêver en jaune
Mixed media on board
48" X 48"
Lumière et cendre no. 1
Mixed media on canvas
72" X 72"
Matin de mars
Mixed media on canvas
36" X 48"
Grand nénuphar noir
Mixed media on canvas
72" X 60"
Couler dans le feu
Mixed media on board
48" X 48"
Quelques tisons dans le ciel
Oil on canvas
48" X 36"
Île de feu
Mixed media on canvas
30" X 30"
Jardin no. 1
Mixed media on canvas
36" X 48"
L’île de silence
Mixed media on woodpanel
20" X 20"
Toucher l’aurore
Mixed media on canvas
43.5" X 24"
Bleu marie
Mixed media on board
48" X 48"
La noirceur et le jaune
Oil on canvas
72" X 72"
Voir le soleil sous l'eau
Oil on canvas
55" X 42"
Elfes et autres mystères 1
Oil on canvas
60" X 20"
Alberta am
Oil on canvas
72" X 72"
Mars I
Mixed media on canvas
48" X 40"
Le ciel sans toi
Mixed media on canvas
36" X 48"
De la neige en mai
Mixed media on canvas
36" X 48"
Le ciel d'Icare
Mixed media on canvas
96" X 72"
Clair de nuit
Mixed media on canvas
59.5" X 39.5"
Apprendre du mystère
Mixed media on canvas
68" X 38"
L’île jaune
Mixed media on canvas
64" X 42"
Partir à l’aube
Mixed media on canvas
68" X 33"
Approcher le feu
Mixed media on canvas
48" X 72"
Petite île no. 2
Mixed media on canvas
20" X 24"


© Thompson Landry Gallery